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I’m so glad you’re here! I’m here to be your go-to resource for oily and natural wellness, and hacks for your family, home, and on the go!

Blog: Welcome

The Best Superfood

Do you love hitting the easy button? I do. Any time I can find an easy button for my family, I take a serious look at it. And when that...

Holiday Cheer

Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve done a non-class post, so I figured it was just about time. We celebrated James’ first birthday – we...

MidSummer’s Update

Here we are, folks. I know it’s not technically the middle of summer yet. Honestly I don’t even know if summer has officially started or...

After All This Time

It’s been a busy week around here for us…Father’s Day on Sunday, our fourth anniversary was Tuesday, and tomorrow James will be 6mo old!...

James Louis | The Last Months

The third trimester dawned and quickly proved to be the busiest yet. Which was perfect, because I was getting bigger by the hour, and...

James Louis | The Next Months

As the second trimester began, I quickly realized that Ningxia Red® was going to be my best friend during this pregnancy. This little man...

Valentine’s Day

Y’all, I love Valentine’s Day. Not for the flowers or the cards. Not even for the chocolates (I prefer to get mine on sale in the days...

In Which We Travel to a Garden Expo

We just got back from a super busy, fun-filled weekend at the Garden Expo in Madison, WI, where we had several wonderful people join our...

101 Essential Oils

Did you know that the average woman puts on over 300 chemicals a day, between her soap, shampoo, makeup, and other cosmetics, not to...

2019 – Christmas Musings

In some crazy twist of timing, Jamie’s first Christmas and his 3mo milestone fell on nearly the same day! And what a day it was. This...

James Louis | The first months

The end of January 2019 saw me in WI, visiting family and helping with a vendor event that my mom had signed up for. It was the first big...

Seven Busy Weeks

Our big boy is 7wks old this week! It’s so hard to believe that 7 weeks have already passed since we welcomed him into our little family....


I’m so excited that you’re here to join me on this journey! I cannot wait to share the fun and craziness of my life, and I hope you enjoy...

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