As the second trimester began, I quickly realized that Ningxia Red® was going to be my best friend during this pregnancy. This little man already loved the stuff, and he wasn’t even born yet!
All in all, the next few months were pretty uneventful. We went to our monthly appointments with Darcie, and they became our monthly date nights. Because we live so far from the city, John and I would meet at Darcie’s office when he got off work, and then we would stop for Sonic on the way home. It was cheap, low-key, and foil-wrapped burgers and styrofoam cups aren’t exactly fancy, but we had a fantastic time together. It was the only time we slowed down and just. Hung out.
I did research, chatted with other oily mommas, and got serious about my supplements. Honestly, I had tried to get started with supplements and stuff right away, but as it turned out, I was so deep in denial that I just couldn’t seem to convince myself that I was pregnant and that it was important. Thankfully, some of the things I determined were the most important were already part of my daily life – drinking water (I will forever need to drink more water, I’m terrible about that, but I don’t really drink anything else, so at least I didn’t have any habits to break), Ningxia Red®, and eating quality foods – most preferably, whole foods when possible. I already cooked about 98% of our meals, maybe more. And all I needed was the excuse to keep Ningxia on hand for baby and I!
The worst part of the whole pregnancy was the fact that I managed to be pregnant for the entirety of the summer…something that I had wholly intended to avoid. Suffice to say, I hid in the A/C absolutely as much as I could. Thank God for a hubby that enjoys doing the outdoor chores, and was willing to do firewood and all manner of other outdoor activities so that I could hide inside!
During the first trimester, I found myself wondering if I was actually going to show much with the baby, having plenty of belly already for the little peanut to hide in. As the second trimester continued I had to chuckle, because it was becoming very clear that that was not going to be an issue. I had a long way to go, and already I was starting to feel like a beached whale in the middle of a Missouri summer.
Near the end of our second trimester, we got our ultrasound scheduled. Because of our choice to work with a midwife, and because we didn’t start our appointments until late in the first trimester, this was the first time we would get to see our little one.
During our appointment, we got a good peek at the newest member of our little family. Our technician also told us that she saw a small spot on his heart, and other soft markers for an abnormality. However, she spent most of the appointment reassuring me that what she said might be a fibroid could also just be a mini contraction, or a shadow, and then also how common fibroids are, and how it was no big deal. So. We talked it over with Darcie, our midwife, and each other, and decided not to pay for a follow-up ultrasound, and just leave everything in God’s hands.
