Here’s a practical application quick tip. This ones for the ladies, or any guys with ladies in their lives. Lol.
Jackson turned 8mo old this week, and despite the fact that he nurses aaaaallllllll night and throughout the day many times as well, my first PP cycle returned last month. 😰 As a result, these two bottles have become some of my best friends.

Progessence Plus is a must for any woman between the ages of 10-100. Why? Progessence Plus contains USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam blended with essential oils and vitamin E to help women find balance the way nature intended. The unique formulation maximizes the effects of this natural progesterone by utilizing an innovative delivery system that allows enhanced absorption through the skin. Wild yams are said to help normalize blood sugar levels, combat weight gain and hair loss, and help reduce the occurrence of hormonal headaches. Progessence Plus also helps promote restfulness and sleep.
The other bottle is a repurposed Aroma Siez bottle. It actually has a blend from one of my favorite books, A Chemical Free Home, that contains Geranium, Cypress and Helichrysum. This blend has been a godsend for me since I first mixed it up over 3yrs ago. Another must have for monthly periods or PP bleeding!!! I went through 2-3 of these 15ml bottles after each of my boys were born and both times my midwives were impressed with my recovery! 👌
My other must-haves for this time of the month include coffee, chocolate, Stress Away, snacks, KidPower (because it smells like creamsicles and makes me so happy), and happy thoughts of closing and locking the bedroom door for an hour even though that’s a very dangerous idea with two mobile kids. Lol. 🤣👌